woman by a lifeguard stand
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Can I Go To Cancún During Coronavirus?

Updated January 5, 2021. Coronavirus has caused all of us to shelter in place, or stay at home and stay safe, however you like to describe it. Most of us can’t wait to get out and enjoy the beautiful Cancún beaches. The problem is how do we know when it’s safe or even legal to travel to Cancún? There are several resources of information you should pay attention to.

These preliminaries settled, he did not care to put off any longer the execution of his design, urged on to it by the thought of all the world was losing by his delay, seeing what wrongs he intended to right, grievances to redress, injustices to repair, abuses to remove, and duties to discharge.

Yes, you can travel to Cancún as of August 3, 2020. Cancún is part of the country that is in a phased-in opening. Mexico has an epidemiological traffic light system. The orange light means that the tourism sector can start operating at 50 percent of its capacity in rooms and in common areas.

News stories have reported that resorts would be opening up as early as June 8, 9, or 10. This information will constantly be changing. Check out the US Embassy site for Mexico for updated information.

What are the facts about Coronavirus in Mexico?

Confirmed cases of Coronavirus are increasing daily as well as suspected cases. Hospitals in Mexico City, Tabasco, Sinaloa, Aguascalientes, and Yucatan are seeing the highest active rate of cases. The Mexican health officials have continued to call for people to stay home during this time. The Mexican Armed Forces have been routed to the six most affected areas to help protect hospitals, the workers, and the movement of essential supplies.

As of January 4, Mexico confirmed 1,455,219 positive cases of Coronavirus in Mexico. You can find this information and more on the US Embassy website.

Updated May 31: Chart of confirmed cases of COVID-19. You can see the peak has happened and is started to go down.

Another great source of information about Covid-19 and Mexico is https://coronavirus.gob.mx/. Most of the data here are in Spanish, although browsers like Google Chrome will translate some of the words for you.

What if I decide to go?

If you decide to go there are several things you need to know and information sources you should be paying attention.

Here is some information from the US Embassy and if you want to read it there click here.

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • On March 21 the US and Mexico entered a joint initiative restricting non-essential travel along the U.S.-Mexico land border to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  Non-essential travel includes travel that is considered tourism or recreational in nature. These restrictions are in place until at least August 20.
  • Travelers entering Mexico by land from the United States may be denied admission if the purpose of their visit is considered non-essential.  Travelers should carry evidence of the essential nature of their visit and evidence of their resident status in Mexico, if applicable.
  • Passengers and aircrew members arriving at Mexican airports may be subject to health screenings including temperature checks. Those exhibiting symptoms may be subject to additional health screening and/or quarantine.
  • Travelers entering Mexico via land may be subject to health screen including temperature checks.  Travelers may experience significant delays and face the possibility of being returned to the United States or quarantined in Mexico.
  • Mexican Immigration (INM) continues to provide law enforcement and public counter services across Mexico.  However, due to reduced staffing, members of the public might experience long wait times for routine services. 

What has Coronavirus done to day to day life in Mexico?

The Mexican government has implemented these measures in most municipalities until May 30.

  1. As of August 21, Mexico is planning to open schools in August for the 2020-21 school year.
  2. Non-essential activities have been suspended.  Essential activities include medical services and supplies, public safety, fundamental economic functions, government social programs, and critical infrastructure.
  3. Meetings of 100 participants or greater have been suspended.
  4. Individuals should practice good hygiene such as frequent hand washing and social distancing.
  5. Those not involved in essential activities should self-isolate at home.
  6. People over age 60 or with high-risk medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, compromised immune system, pregnant, or post-partum should self-isolate at home.
  7. All electoral processes, censuses, and surveys are postponed until further notice.

Source: https://mx.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information/

Quintana Roo Coronavirus Update


There is some very important information you should know about the city of Cancún. The government has announced that the northern part of the state; including the tourist destinations of Tulum, Cozumel, Puerto Morelos, Isla Mujeres, and Cancún; is now in the orange on the stoplight system, while the southern portion remains in the red.

  • Hotels are operating at 50% in rooms and in common areas
  • There is a daily curfew from 8pm to 5am
  • Face masks are mandatory in public
  • If you’re out and about you need a permit
  • Only one person per family may enter essential businesses
  • Out of state license plates are not allowed to circulate unless you are on essential business and have a permit
  • Private vehicle circulation is prohibited on weekends
  • Public transportation has been cut to 50 percent of its normal schedule
  • Supermarkets and convenience stores would be open from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. from May 5 to May 31.

Alcohol sales are allowed under the following parameters:

  • Supermarkets and convenience stores: Monday – Saturday: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. and Sunday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Restaurants: 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily
  • Restaurants-Bars:  Monday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. and Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Is Tourism an Essential Business in Cancún?

The state of Quintana Roo stated on May 20 that they had lost around 80,000 jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic. The governor had previously announced that he wanted to open up the popular tourist areas like Cancún, Cozumel, and Tulum by June 1.

As of June 10th, tourism in Mexico is not classified as an essential business. Quintana Roo, the state where Cancún is located is now operating at a 50% capacity in rooms and in common areas.

Are The Hot Zones Close to My Resort in Cancún?

As of June 17 the US Embassy still lists several hot zones that are close to resorts in Cancún. Here are the six hot zones and links to these streets. If you click the links you’ll see on Google Maps where these are in respect to your hotel or resort.

Av. Arco Norte with Av. Kabah and Av. Tules

Av. 20 de Noviembre with Av. Kabah and Av. Niños Heroes

Av. Lopez Portillo with Av. Tulum and Av. Andres Quintana Roo

Av. La Luna and Calle 121

Av. 149 and Av. Lopez Portillo

Av. Puerto Juárez and Av. Lak-in

Source: https://mx.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information/

Cozumel and COVID-19

  • The use of public transport is prohibited. 
  • Only clinics, pharmacies, and hospitals may continue to operate during their normal business hours. 
  • Nonessential businesses must continue to remain closed. 
  • Police have set roadblocks on the north and south end of the hotel zone to make sure people are not going to the beaches. 
  • Police are taking temperatures at security filters set up throughout the island.
  • The curfew has been extended until further notice; it now lasts from 5 p.m. until 5 a.m. 
  • Lights in the main parks will be turned off to encourage residents to stay inside.
  • Taxis will transport only one adult passenger wearing a face mask, one adult passenger, and one minor both wearing face masks or two adults with face masks if it is a medical emergency.
  •  Private vehicles and motorcycles can only operate with one person.

Source: https://mx.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information/

Isla Mujeres and COVID-19

  • Only one passenger is allowed per vehicle. 
  • The ferry schedule has been reduced. 
  • The passenger ferry has only six routes per day to Puerto Juarez, and passengers must pass through a sanitizing station on either side. 
  • The car ferry has just two routes per day, and they are set one hour apart, rendering it impossible for Isla residents to bring their cars to Cancún and return in the same day.
  • The ferry crossing is to be utilized primarily for cargo trucks to bring products to the island.

Source: https://mx.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information/

Playa Del Carmen and COVID-19

  • Roads are closed and police filters have been set up throughout town to limit the circulation of individuals.
  • The following roads have been closed: Av. 30 con Calle 5 Sur; Av. 30 con Calle 3 Sur; Av. 30 con Calle 1ra Sur Bis; Av. Juarez con Av. 30; Av. 30 con Calle 4; Av. 30 con Calle 4 Bis; Av. 30 con Calle 6; Av. 30 con Calle 8; Av. 25 con Calle 8; Av. 30 con Calle 12; Av. 30 con Calle 14; Av. 20 con Calle 6; Av. 30 con Av. Constituyentes; Av. Constituyentes con Av. 25; Av. Constituyentes con Av. 15; Av. Constituyentes con Av. 1ra; Av. 28 de Julio con Blvd. Playa del Carmen. 
  • El Puente de la Carretera Federal is closed going both ways.

Source: https://mx.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information/

Puerto Morelos and COVID-19

These measure have been put in place until May 31, 2020.

  • Roads throughout the municipality have been closed. 
  • Three taxis per taxi station will be allowed per site.  Collective taxis, like taxi vans, will only be allowed to transport six people at a time between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. 
  • Stores will only permit one person per family to enter. 
  • Residents should only go out to purchase food or medication.  Additionally, children, pregnant women, and the elderly will be prohibited from entering these businesses. 
  • The sale of construction materials is restricted. 
  • Public spaces such as parks, gyms, or social clubs are off-limits to everyone.

Source: https://mx.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information/


In conclusion, you should use precaution when going to Cancún right now. We’ve seen many people who have traveled recently and haven’t heard of any of them getting sick or having bad experiences, other than the limited services at the resorts. Many services at your resorts are going to be limited for a while because of the need to sanitize everything and the level of business overall is down.

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